WORKSHOP: The Potential Contribution of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies to the Decarbonization and Economic Development of Japan and the U.S.
Presented by the Fastest Path to Zero Initiative at the University of Michigan and the Center for Research on Nuclear Decommissioning at Tohoku University
May 29–31, 2024
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative at the University of Michigan, together with its partner, the Center for Research on Nuclear Decommissioning at Tohoku University, hosted a workshop on “The Potential Contribution of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies to the Decarbonization and Economic Development of Japan and the U.S.”, on May 29–31, 2024 in Sendai, Japan. This workshop, supported by the U.S. Consulate in Sapporo, involved not only academic experts, but also advanced nuclear reactor developers, policymakers, and leaders of non-governmental organizations. The goal of this workshop was to introduce the various new nuclear reactor technologies, with an emphasis on SMRs and microreactors, and to determine their role in decarbonization strategies of advanced industrial economies such as Japan and the United States. The workshop also explored the potential economic development aspects of introducing new “green technologies”, and the prospects for job creation.
Todd Allen
Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Department Chair of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences; Chihiro Kikuchi Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan
Rita Baranwal
Chief Technical Officer, Westinghouse
Christi Bell
Vice Chancellor and Executive Director, Business Enterprise Institute, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Diane Cameron
Head of Nuclear Technology and Economics Division, Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD
Yoshitaka Chikazawa
Deputy Director, Oarai Research and Development Institute, Strategy and Management Department, JAEA
Denia Djokić
Research Scientist, Fastest Path to Zero Initiative, University of Michigan
Jess Gehin
Associate Lab Director, Nuclear Science & Technology, Idaho National Lab
Lauren Hughes
Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Policy, Atlantic Council
Hiroko Kondo
Business Consultant/Researcher
Risa Kunitomo
Master’s Student in Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Technical University
Jessica Lovering
Executive Director, Good Energy Collective
Takayuki Mase
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Tsutomu Matsui
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Antonin Povolny
Engineer, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
Tara Righetti
Professor, School of Law and School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming
Brian Smith
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy, US Department of Energy
Junko Sugaya
Director and General Manager, Japan NUS Ltd.
Aditi Verma
Assistant Professor, NERS, University of Michigan
Haruko Wainwright
Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, MIT
Mackenzie Warwick
Ph.D. Candidate, NERS, University of Michigan
Mark Wuebbels
Consul General, US Consulate in Sapporo, Japan
Yuki Nakamura
Specialist, Toshiba ESS Corporation
Yutaka Watanabe
Director, CFReND, Tohoku University
Patrick White
Research Director, Nuclear Innovation Alliance
Yuji Fukaya
Group Leader, HTGR Design Group, JAEA
Mitsuru Uesaka
Chairperson, Atomic Energy Commission, Japan
Teiji Tominaga
President, Tohoku University
Chihiro Tobe
Director General, Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Satoru Yasuraoka
Director for International Affairs, Nuclear Energy Policy Division, ANRE, METI
Takeshi Koike
Deputy Manager, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
Day 1 – May 30, 2024
8:20 AM
Explanation of Meeting Structure
8:30 AM – Welcome Remarks
- Mark Wuebbels, Consul General, US Consulate in Sapporo, Japan
- Teiji Tominaga, President, Tohoku University
- Todd Allen, Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Department Chair of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences; Chihiro Kikuchi Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan
- Chihiro Tobe, Director General, Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
9:00 AM – Plenary Session I: Global Energy Update Clean Energy Goals, Policies and Commitments (Domestic and International)
- Current policies in Japan and US
- International treaties and commitments
- Current strategies to meet goals
- What needs to change?
- Speaker: Brian Smith, Mitsuru Uesaka, Satoru Yasuraoka, Diane Cameron
10:00 AM
Networking Coffee Break and Group Photo
10:30 AM – Plenary Session II: Introduction to Advanced Reactor Technologies
- Speakers: Patrick White, Yoshitaka Chikazawa
11:15 AM – Plenary Session III: Decarbonized Energy Systems/Deployment Scenarios
- Speakers: Jessica Lovering, Tsutomu Matsui
12:00 PM – Plenary Session IV: Gender Balance in the Nuclear Industry
- Speakers: Denia Djokić, Rita Baranwal, Hiroko Kondo, Mackenzie Warwick, Haruko Wainwright, Risa Kunitomo
1:10 PM
Catered Lunch, provided by Tohoku University
2:00 PM – Plenary Session V: Introduction to/Motivation for Breakout Groups
3:00 PM – Breakout Group 2: Deployment Process
- Speakers: Tara Righetti, Jess Gehin, Junko Sugaya
3:45 PM – Breakout Group 3: Economic Development and Job Creation (Policy-oriented Topics)
- Speakers: Christi Bell, Takayuki Mase
4:30-5:30 PM
Breakout Sessions (Kick start the discussions for one hour on Day 1)
6:30 PM
Reception for all participants at Wine House Bouchon, Sendai
Day 2 – May 31, 2024
9:00 AM
Breakout Sessions Continued
10:40 AM
Networking Coffee Break
11:00 AM – Plenary Session VI: Breakout Session Reports
12:15 PM
Catered Lunch, provided by Tohoku University
1:30 PM – Closing Plenary: Insights for clean energy policies and economic development
- Moderator: Lauren Hughes
- Speakers: Todd Allen, Yutaka Watanabe
- Students from each university will share their views of the future
2:30 PM