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University of Michigan Department of Nuclear Energy and Radiological Sciences (NERS)
Fastest Path Founding Director Todd Allen is a NERS alum and chair of the department, which hosts clean energy and climate change experts in support of Fastest Path. The University of Michigan boasts a diverse community of academics who engage in interdisciplinary research in clean energy technologies and the economic, political/policy, and social aspects of climate change.
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University of Michigan Center for Socially Engaged Design (C-SED)
C-SED empowers students and practitioners with the perspectives and skills needed to design effective technology interventions that are good for the world. C-SED has partnered with NERS and the Fastest Path to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to work on a project focusing on advanced nuclear deployment for INL. Students conducted research and developed strategies to engage with local leaders and decision-makers in the communities surrounding INL, and determined how these strategies could be adopted in other communities as advanced nuclear technologies are deployed in the US and globally in the coming years.
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University of Oklahoma (OKU)
The OKU/Fastest Path NEUP project enables deployment of advanced nuclear technologies by developing a model, and an accompanying web-based tool that can be utilized by technology entrepreneurs to identify public support for siting new nuclear technologies at the local, state, and county levels across the US.



Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
ORNL and and Fastest Path are partnering to further refine and develop the methodological tool initiated by the NEUP project to combine socio-technical factors with the more traditional geographic and demographic data to determine the most appropriate sites on which to deploy advanced nuclear reactors.
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Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)
ARPA-E advances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies that are too early for private-sector investment. ARPA-E awardees are unique because they are developing entirely new ways to generate, store, and use energy. The Fastest Path team is partnering with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to provide research support on deployment strategies to Meitner industry awardees that are developing advanced nuclear technologies.

National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC)
NRIC accelerates the deployment of advanced nuclear energy. Specifically, it accelerates technologies from proof-of-concept to proof-of-operation by allowing innovators to leverage US Government investment in nuclear research, development demonstration and deployment. NRIC is led by the Idaho National Lab and is supporting Fastest Path research on demonstration sites.


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Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
INL funds two projects led by NERS and Fastest Path. The first project focuses on…., while the second project, in partnership with the Argonne National Laboratory and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, seeks to identify the best site for advanced nuclear deployment.
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Third Way
Third Way’s Climate & Energy Program designs and advocates for policies that will drive innovation and deployment of clean energy technologies, and help place the US on the fastest, fairest path to net-zero emissions by mid-century. The more low-carbon options we have to work with, the better our chances of success. That’s why we’re proud to be part of a large and growing community promoting evidence-based solutions to the climate challenge that include advanced nuclear and carbon capture technology, as well as renewables, hydropower, existing nuclear, energy storage, and efficiency. For more information, please visit