Learn about STAND and other nuclear tools at upcoming webinar
Experts will demonstrate nuclear energy modeling tools, including STAND, to help states assess siting options for advanced nuclear deployment at the NARUC-NASEO webinar on March 21.
Listen: Todd Allen on Energy Frontier: The Wyoming Landscape
Our Fastest Path director discusses the importance of incorporating diverse voices into the global nuclear energy dialogue.
Taskforce led by Aditi Verma launches global nuclear workforce survey
Take the Nuclear Workforce Survey for Improving Student Experiences to help ensure that the nuclear field becomes more inclusive and supportive for everyone.
Educating engineers for a new nuclear age
Aditi Verma, Katie Snyder, and Shanna Daly discuss reimagining engineering education to prepare the next generation of nuclear engineers with both technical expertise and the skills to engage communities in participatory, equity-centered design.
Fastest Path supports Harper Academy 4 Future Engineers
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative supported the program by integrating a focus on equitable and sustainable energy solutions, encouraging participants to consider how nuclear technology can be leveraged to meet global clean energy goals.
Fastest Path workshop explored the future of advanced nuclear energy in Japan and the U.S.
Workshop discussions centered on energy policies, deployment scenarios, economic impacts, and gender balance in the nuclear sector.
Aditi Verma supports nuclear security and environmental stewardship collaboration
How can we create scholarship frameworks and systems of support to better connect nuclear policy and environmentalism? This question was at the heart of Atomic Terrain, the recently released agenda of research created through a series of workshops and roundtables attended by individuals representing creative, environmental, anthropology, and nuclear policy fields. Aditi Verma, a professor…
Fastest Path launches Global Fusion Forum
The new online platform aims to facilitate meaningful engagement between fusion technology developers and communities worldwide.
Community consent in nuclear facility siting
Prof. Aditi Verma will lead a project that aims to develop more equitable and respectful approaches to nuclear facility siting.
Fastest Path collaborating on two NEUP projects
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative is collaborating on two projects with $3.7M in funding from the US Department of Energy.
Aditi Verma receives $1 million grant to conduct study on public opinion of nuclear energy in New Mexico
Verma will spearhead an innovative research project focusing on assessing the public sentiment toward nuclear energy in various communities across New Mexico, with a particular focus on communities living around coal plants.
Fastest Path supports Decommissioning Workshop with Tohoku University
The workshop is focused on sharing decommissioning experiences between Japan and the United States.
Open Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant
Analysis of the demographic impacts of nuclear fuel cycle facilities Advisors: Aditi Verma, Gabrielle Hoelzle,
Fastest Path sponsors Nuclear Science Week
The event was a celebration of nuclear’s role in a zero-carbon future.
Aditi Verma becomes N Square Fellow
Verma has joined a cohort that will imagine a world without the threat of nuclear weapons.
Open Position: Research Assistant
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative is seeking a highly motivated research assistant to start this semester and continue into the Summer for a project.
Open Position: Undergraduate Researcher
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative is seeking a highly motivated undergraduate researcher to assist with the project: Towards participatory design of nuclear energyinfrastructure: An analysis of contemporary reactor design practices.
Denia Djokić and Aditi Verma join NERS and Fastest Path
The U-M Department of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences (NERS) and the Fastest Path to Zero Initiative have welcomed two new team members, Dr. Denia Djokić and Dr. Aditi Verma.
Todd Allen pledges Fastest Path and NERS for Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy leadership network
Gender Champions describes itself as “a leadership network that brings together heads of organizations working in nuclear policy who are committed to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.”